3 minute read


DNA language model

  • DNA as the fundamental layer of biological information –> DNA sequencing enabled the systematic mapping of the evolutionary diversity at the the whole-genome scale
  • Towards a general biologiccal foundation model that learns the intrinsic logic of whole genome current efforts to model molecular biology with ML: modality-specific (proteins, regulatory DNA, RNA), design of single molecule, simple complexes, short DNA sequences
  • A DNA model that unifies information across the molecular, systems and genome scale could learn systems-wide interactions, enable the design of more sophisticated biological functions

LLM in biology

  • recent success of LLM using transformer architecture

    • existing attempts to model DNA as a language: limited by computational cost, generally underperforms at single-nucleotide or byte-level resolution
    • transformer-based DNA models: constrained to short context, sacrifice single-nucleotide resolution by aggregating nucleotides to tokens
  • Evo: a 7B genomic foundation model, trained to generate DNA sequences at whole-genome scale

    • context length of 131k tokens
    • based on StripedHyena architeccture: hybridizes attention and data-controlled convolutional operators, efficiently deal with long sequences
    • trained on prokaryotic whole-genome dataset (300B nucleotides)
    • byte-level, single-nucleotide tokenizer

Introduction to Evo

  • Downstream tasks – used in both prediction and generation tasks at the molecular, systems, and genome scale
    • zero-shot prediction
      • predicting the fitness effects of mutations on proteins
      • predicting the fitness effects of mutations on noncoding RNAs
      • predicts the combinations of prokaryotic promoter-ribosome binding site (RBS) pairs from regulatory sequence alone
    • designing synthetic multi-component biological systems
      • learns the co-evolutionary linkage of coding & noncodoing sequences
      • designed CRISPR-Cas systems, and transposable elements
    • whole-genome scale
      • can predict essential genes in bacteria/bacteriophages without any supervision
      • generated sequesnces over 650kb with plausible genomic coding architecture

-> Evo establishes a foundational paradigm for predictive & generative biological sequence modeling

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Model architecture

StripedHyena architecture

  • first alternative model architecture competitive with ‘Transformers’
  • efficiet autoregressive generation
  • low latency, faster decoding, higher throughput than transformers
  • faster training & finetuning at long context (>3x at 131k)
  • robust to training beyond the compute-optimal frontier

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  • hybrid of 29 layers of Hyena layers (data-controlled convolutional operators)
  • interleaved with 3 layers (10%) of multi-head attention equipped with RoPE (rotary position embeddings)

  • Hyena Hierarchy: Towards Larger Convolutional Language Models

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  • StripedHyena was an optimal architecture for long DNA sequences pretraining
  • Compared to the previous DNA model HyenaDNA, which also utilizes the Hyena architecture, the model size has expanded by over 1000 times and the data by over 100 times.
  • maximum number of tokens (base count) at compute-optimal (minimum Eval. perplexity): 250 billion

Training data

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  • trained with GTDB, IMG/PR and viral sequences from IMG/VR
  • viruses that infect eukaryotic hosts were excluded

Zero-shot function prediction

Predicting mutational effects on protein function

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  • Predicting fitness (study-specific metric quantifying how well a protein performs a certain function) upon mutation
  • Utilizing deep mutational scanning (DMS) dataset -> exhaustive set of mutations to a protein coding sequence, experimentally measured fitness

  • Competitive performance despite not learning protein language, only using DNA
  • However, failed to predict mutational effects on human proteins DMS dataset as it was pre-trained only on prokaryote data

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Predicting mutational effects on ncRNA function / predicting gene expression from regulatory DNA

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Fine-tuning: Generative design of coplex systems

Generative design of CRISPR-Cas molecular complexes

  • Finetuning on generating CRISPR-Cas system (~8kb)

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Generative design of transposable biological systems

  • finetuning on generating IS200/IS605 system (~2kb)

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Analyzing whole genome

Predicting gene essentiality with long genomic context

  • second-stage pretraining with species-level special tokens: extending context to 131k-long genomic segments

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Generating DNA sequences at genome scale

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Synthetic sequence generation

  • prompted with species-level tokens during the second pretraining
  • bacterial species promts -> generate seuqnces of ~650kb in length

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  • depicts the organization of coding sequences

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ESMFold structure predictions


Paper and GitHub Repository You can use Evo model in Together AI


Safety and ethics discussion

  • whole-genome foundation models have thepotential for misuse
  • threat to biosafety and biosecurity?
  • can also catalyze the development of harmful synthetic microorganisms
  • whole-genome foundation models could contribute to social and health inequity
  • companies may accelerate research that prioritizes returns-on-investment over the global disease burden or health equity
  • may enable an organization to bypass current intellectual property
  • whole-genome foundation models could contribute to disruptions to the natural environment
  • intellectual property law should evolve as generative models increasingly automate the biological discovery and design process

The path forward

  • establishment of clear, comprehensive guidelines that delineate ethical practices
  • community partnerships and international collaborations – address disparities in access and capabilities
  • create a dynamic feedback loop that engages all share-holders in a continuous dialogue

-> lays the groundwork for a future where genetic engineering advances in harmony with ethical principles and societal values

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