4 minute read

The most recent version of Seurat is v5.1.0

In Seruat v5, the seurat object was changed to a layer structure, so to access the assay data in Seurat object, you need to use the code like:



LayerData(<obj>, assay = "RNA", layer = "counts")


GetAssayData(object = pbmc, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts")

Instead, the following code is now not available, which was the code for the versions prior to v3.


However, when using the enrichIT function in the escape package, the code still uses $assays$RNA@counts, which causes an error when using this function on higher Seurat versions.

So I redefined the functions by hand and wrote below.

One thing that I’ll update later is performing parallel computing using BiocParallel.

# ssGSEA
p_load(escape, dittoSeq, ssGSEA)
options("Seurat.object.assay.version" = "v3")
DefaultAssay(mEpC) <- "RNA"
GS.hallmark <- getGeneSets(species = "Mus musculus", library = "H")
p_load(BiocParallel, snow)
performPCA <- function(enriched, gene.sets = NULL, groups) {
  groups <- data.frame(enriched[,colnames(enriched) %in% c(groups)])
  input <- select_if(enriched, is.numeric)
  if (!is.null(gene.sets)) {
    input <- input[,colnames(input) %in% gene.sets]
  PCA <- prcomp(input, scale. = TRUE)
  merged <- cbind(PCA$x, groups)
split_data.matrix <- function(matrix, chunk.size=1000) {
  ncols <- dim(matrix)[2]
  nchunks <- (ncols-1) %/% chunk.size + 1

  split.data <- list()
  min <- 1
  for (i in seq_len(nchunks)) {
    if (i == nchunks-1) {  #make last two chunks of equal size
      left <- ncols-(i-1)*chunk.size
      max <- min+round(left/2)-1
    } else {
      max <- min(i*chunk.size, ncols)
    split.data[[i]] <- matrix[,min:max]
    min <- max+1    #for next chunk
getGeneSets <- function(species = "Homo sapiens",
                        library = NULL,
                        subcategory = NULL,
                        gene.sets = NULL) {
  spec <- msigdbr_species()
  spec_check <- unlist(spec[spec$species_name %in% species,][,1])
  if (length(spec_check) == 0) {
    message(paste0("Please select a compatible species: ",
                   paste(spec, collapse = ", ")))
  if(!is.null(library)) {
    if (length(library) == 1) {
      if (is.null(subcategory)) {
        m_df = msigdbr(species = spec_check, category = library)
      } else {
        m_df = msigdbr(species = spec_check, category = library, subcategory = subcategory)
    m_df <- NULL
    for (x in seq_along(library)) {
      if (is.null(subcategory)) {
        tmp2 = msigdbr(species = spec_check, category = library[x])
      } else {
        tmp2 = msigdbr(species = spec_check, category = library, subcategory = subcategory)
      m_df <- rbind(m_df, tmp2)
    if(!is.null(gene.sets)) {
      m_df <- m_df[m_df$gs_name %in% gene.sets,]
  gs <- unique(m_df$gs_name)
  ls <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(gs)) {
    tmp <- m_df[m_df$gs_name == gs[i],]
    tmp <- tmp$gene_symbol
    tmp <- unique(tmp)
    tmp <- GeneSet(tmp, setName=paste(gs[i]))
    ls[[i]] <- tmp
  gsc <- GeneSetCollection(ls)
normalize <- function(x)
  (x- min(x)) /(max(x)-min(x))
GS.check <- function(gene.sets) {
  if(is.null(gene.sets)) {
    stop("Please provide the gene.sets you would like to use for
            the enrichment analysis")
  egc <- gene.sets
  if(inherits(egc, what = "GeneSetCollection")){
    egc <- GSEABase::geneIds(egc) # will return a simple list,
    #which will work if a matrix is supplied to GSVA
cntEval2 <- function(obj) {
  if (inherits(x = obj, what = "Seurat")) {
    cnts <- GetAssayData(object = obj, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts")
  } else if (inherits(x = obj, what = "SingleCellExperiment")) {
    cnts <- counts(obj)
  } else {
    cnts <- obj
  if (!inherits(cnts, what = "dgCMatrix")) {
    cnts <- Matrix(as.matrix(cnts),sparse = TRUE)
  cnts <- cnts[tabulate(summary(cnts)$i) != 0, , drop = FALSE]
enrichIt2 <- function (obj, gene.sets = NULL, method = "ssGSEA", groups = 1000,
          cores = 2, min.size = 5, ssGSEA.norm = FALSE, ...)
  egc <- GS.check(gene.sets)
  cnts <- cntEval2(obj)
  if (!is.null(min.size)) {
    GS.size <- lapply(egc, function(x) length(which(rownames(cnts) %in%
    remove <- unname(which(GS.size < min.size))
    if (length(remove) != 0) {
      egc <- egc[-remove]
  scores <- list()
  wind <- seq(1, ncol(cnts), by = groups)
  print(paste("Using sets of", groups, "cells. Running", length(wind),
  if (method == "ssGSEA") {
    split.data <- split_data.matrix(matrix = cnts, chunk.size = groups)
    for (i in seq_along(wind)) {
      last <- min(ncol(cnts), i + groups - 1)
      a <- suppressWarnings(gsva(split.data[[i]], egc,
                                 method = "ssgsea", ssgsea.norm = FALSE, kcdf = "Poisson"#,
                                 #parallel.sz = cores, BPPARAM = SnowParam()
      scores[[i]] <- a
  else if (method == "UCell") {
    scores[[1]] <- t(suppressWarnings(ScoreSignatures_UCell(cnts,
                                                            features = egc, chunk.size = groups, ncores = cores,
  scores <- do.call(cbind, scores)
  output <- t(as.matrix(scores))
  if (method == "ssGSEA" & ssGSEA.norm) {
    output <- apply(output, 2, normalize)
  output <- data.frame(output)
add.meta.data <- function(sc, meta, header) {
  if (inherits(x=sc, what ="Seurat")) {
    col.name <- names(meta) %||% colnames(meta)
    sc[[col.name]] <- meta
  } else {
    rownames <- rownames(colData(sc))
    colData(sc) <- cbind(colData(sc),
                         meta[rownames,])[, union(colnames(colData(sc)),  colnames(meta))]
    rownames(colData(sc)) <- rownames

Now we can perform ssGSEA with these functions defined above.

ss.mEpC <- enrichIt2(obj = mEpC, gene.sets = GS.hallmark, groups= 1000, min.size = 5)
mEpC <- AddMetaData(mEpC, ss.mEpC)
p_load(magrittr, ArchR, grid, viridis)
devtools::install_github("GreenleafLab/ArchR"); library(ArchR)
my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c('blue', '#F5F5F5', 'red'))(100)
             genes = NULL, metas = names(ss.mEpC),
             annot.by = "copykat_subpop",
             fontsize = 7,
             cluster_cols = FALSE,
             heatmap.colors = my_palette)

And you can get a result like this.

alt text

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